Kuasai bahasa Inggris lebih cepat dengan 500 kata paling sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Setelah menguasai kata-kata ini, Anda bisa lebih mudah memahami, merangkai kalimat, dan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dengan percaya diri.
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Penggunaan Kata Go dan Contohnya dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan Lengkap – Kata-kata “go” ternyata mempunyai pemakaian dan pasangannya masing-masing dalam kalimat dan otomatis memiliki arti yang berbeda pula. Apa sajakah itu? Let’s go further into below explanation!
1. Go to…
- Today I am so happy because I go to work with my family.
- We are going to Lhokseumawe this afternoon.
- Tina did not go to the school
- Naufal has gone to England since last week.
- Nisrina went to the mall last night.
2. Go to sleep = start to sleep (mulai untuk tidur)
- I am so tired and go to sleep
- My father works so hard today and goes to sleep
- After had cooked, my mom went to sleep
- Rika have gone to sleep.
- When I called her, she was going to sleep.
3. Go home (tanpa to)
- They are going home BUKAN going to home.
- Because of the rain, my brother cannot go home.
- Reza have not gone home yet since last day.
4. Go on…
Umumnya kata go on diikuti oleh beberapa kata berikut ini:
- Go on + holiday
- Go on + a trip
- Go on + a tour
- Go on +an excursion
- Go on + a cruise
- Go on + strike
- Kiki is going on holiday to Sabang next April.
- We have planning to go on trips.
- Our family went on excursions in some local places.
- We are so happy because will go on a cruise for weeks.
- The workers of that restaurant have gone on strike. (= they are refusing to work/ mereka menolak untuk bekerja)
5. Go For…
Umumnya kata go on diikuti oleh beberapa kata berikut ini:
- Go (somewhere) for + a walk
- Go (somewhere) for + a run
- Go (somewhere) for + a swim
- Go (somewhere) for + a drink
- Go (somewhere) for + a meal
- Go (somewhere) for + a holiday
- He is going outside for a walk.
- Does Mario go for a run every Sunday morning ?
- Today is Sunday. Let’s go for a swim.
- We were going for a drink when you came.
- I will pay for you guys. Let’s go out for a meal?
- Meri has gone to Semarang for a holiday.
6. Go + – ing
Kita menggunakan go + – ing untuk banyak jenis sport/ olahraga (swimming, skiing, fishing, sailing, running etc) dan shopping (berbelanja).
You go | running |
We are going | swimming |
I want to go | fishing |
She went | shopping |
They have gone | skiing |
She has gone | sailing etc. |
- Are you going swimming today?
- Jihan often goes jogging after dawn prayer.
- The lady went shopping after school.
Demikianlah macam-macam kata go dalam kalimat yang sering dipakai dalam penulisan dan percakapan yang dapat langsung Anda praktekkan. Have a nice practice!
PS. Belajar Inggris tanpa harus masuk kelas adalah solusi buat Anda yang punya waktu padat. Sangat solutif bukan ? Mau belajar dengan cara ini? Ambil kesempatan Anda segera dengan klik disini
Engli.ID adalah Platform Edusocial yang dirancang untuk membantu Anda menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan cara yang seru dan efektif. Buat Akun Anda Sekarang