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Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech — Hi, how’s life? Are you ready to learn English? Nah, pembahasan kali ini adalah tentang penggunaan reported speech. Let’s get started!
1. Pengertian reported speech
Reported speech atau indirect speech adalah kalimat tidak langsung yang memiliki maksud menyampaikan kembali pernyataan yang telah disampaikan oleh orang lain.
Dalam reported speech, kata kerja dalam bentuk present berubah menjadi bentuk past.
Kata kerja say atau tell digunakan pada reported speech untuk melaporkan apa yang dinyatakan oleh seseorang.
2. Bentuk reported speech
Statement (Direct speech) Reported Speech (Indirect speech)
(Pernyataan (Kalimat langsung)) (Kalimat tidak langsung)
Simple Present Simple Past
My sister is very smart. Nurul said (that) her sister was very smart.
We usually have breakfast at 05.00 am. They said (that) they usually had breakfast at 05.00 am.
I always look after my little brother. Iqbal told us (that) he always looked after his little brother.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
You are sitting on the bench. Meli said that I was sitting on the bench.
I am living in Bireun. Roki told me (that) he was living in Bireun.
My family is buying a new house. Riki said that his family was buying a new house.
Simple Past Past Perfect
I ate in KFC with my father. Naufal said he had eaten KFC with his father.
My mom brought me some oranges. He said his mom had brought him some oranges.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
I have already gone to Tapaktuan. Mario said he had already gone to Tapaktuan.
My uncle has arrived. He said his uncle had arrived.
Our teacher has allowed us. They said that their teacher had allowed them.
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
I have been playing game for two hours. Marsha said that he had been playing game for two hours.
My sister has been touring since February. She said that her sister had been toring since February.
I have not been coming for twice. Aisyah told she had not been coming for twice.
Future dengan is/ was going to Was/ were going to
I am going to Celosia Garden after working. He said he was going to Celosia Garden after working.
Future dengan will Would
I will call you later. Fita said she would call me later.
Modal Can Could
I can play guitar. Zulkifli said that he could play guitar.
Modal must Had to
We must pray before eating. Madam Sudarsih told us that we had to pary before eating.
3. Expression of time and place (Keterangan waktu dan tempat) indirect speech
Keterangan waktu dan tempat dalam indirect speech juga berubah, seperti contoh di bawah ini!
Direct speech (Kalimat langsung) Reported speech ( Kalimat tidak langsung)
I am living here. He said he was living there.
I will come now. Sari said (that) she would come right away.
You took my book yesterday. Anton said I had taken his book the day before.
We are going to Tangse next week. They said that they were going to Tangse the following week.
Sekarang apakah sudah jelas bagaimana penggunaan reported speech dalam kalimat? Penjelasan serta contoh pemakaian dalam artikel ini dapat menjadi petunjuk Anda untuk menggunakannya. Take your time to practice!
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