Contoh Kalimat Sebab Akibat dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Contoh Kalimat Sebab Akibat dalam Bahasa Inggris – Kalimat sebab akibat dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan istilah cause-effect. Nah, dalam membuat kalimat ini dibutuhkan conjuction, yaitu kata hubung yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan 2 kalimat, yaitu kalimat sebab dan akibat.

A. Kalimat Cause dan Effect (sebab akibat)

Conjunction yang digunkaan untuk kalimat cause effects banyak, namun kali ini mari hanya fokus pada penggunaan dua conjuction terlebih dahulu, yaitu so ( sehingga/ jadi) dan such (sedemikian).

B.Kalimat Cause dan Effect (sebab akibat): Pola 1

Pola di bawah ini digunakan untuk mengindikasikan hubungan cause and effect (sebab dan akibat).

Subject + verb + so + adjective (kata sifat)/ adverb (kata keterangan) + that + subject + verb


Tidak menggunakan noun (kata benda) setelah so. Lihatlah contoh kalimat di bawah ini:

  • The soprano sang so well that she received a standing ovation.
  • Terry ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record.
  • Judy worked so diligently that she received an increase in salary.
  • The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more.
  • The little boy looks so unhappy that we all feel sorry for him.
  • The student hard behaved so badly that he was dismissed from the class.


C. Kalimat Cause dan Effect (sebab akibat): Pola 2

Subject + verb + so + many/few + *plural countable noun+ that + subject + verb

*Plural countable noun = kata benda bisa dihitung jamak


  • The Smiths had so many children that they formed their own baseball team.
  • I had so few job offers that it wasn’t difficult to select one.


D. Kalimat Cause dan Effect (sebab akibat): Pola 3

Subject + verb + so + much/ little + *uncountable noun + that + subject + verb

  • He has invested so much money in the project that he cannot abandon it now.
  • The grass received so little water that it turned brown in the heat.

*uncountable noun = kata benda tidak bisa dihitung


E. Kalimat Cause dan Effect (sebab akibat): Pola 4

Subject + verb + such + a + adjective + *singular countable noun + that


Subject + verb + so + adjective + *singular countable noun + that

*singular countable noun = kata benda bisa dihitung


Pola such + a + adjective adalah pola yang lebih umum digunakan daripada verb + so + adjective

Contoh kalimat:

It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors.


It was so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors.


It was such an interesting book that he couldn’t put it down.


It was so interesting a book that he couldn’t put it down.


F. Kalimat Cause dan Effect (sebab akibat): Pola 5

Subject + verb + such + adjective + plural countable noun/ uncountable noun + that + subject + verb


  • She has such exceptional *abilities that everyone is jealous other.
  • They are such beautiful *pictures that everybody will want one.

*abilities, *pictures = plural countable noun

  • Perry has had such bad * luck that he’s decided not to gamble.
  • This is such difficult *homework that I will never finish it.

* luck, *homework = uncountable noun



Kata sambung so juga bisa digunakan pada pola di atas menjadi sebagai berikut:


G. Contoh Kalimat Cause dan Effect (sebab akibat) dan Maksudnya

  • It has been such a long time since I have seen him that I am not sure if I will remember him.

Maksudnya: I am not sure if I will remember him because it has been a long time.

Cause (sebab) : It has been a long time.

Effect (akibat) : I am not sure if I will remember him.

  • He has so heavy a work load that it is difficult for him to travel.

Maksudnya: It is difficult for him to travel because he has a heavy work load.

Cause (sebab) : He has so heavy a work load.

Effect (akibat) : It is difficult for him to travel.

  • Naufal has such long fingers that he should play the piano.

Maksudnya: Naufal should play the piano because he has very long fingers.

Cause (sebab) : Naufal has very long fingers.

Effect (akibat) : He should play the piano.

  • Professor Jarjani gives such interesting lectures that his classes are never boring.

Maksudnya: Professor Jarjani classes are never boring because he gives very interesting lectures.

Cause (sebab) : Professor Jarjani gives very interesting lectures.

Effect (akibat) : His classes are never boring.

  • This is such tasty ice cream that I will have another helping.

Maksudnya: I will have another helping of ice cream because it is very tasty.

Cause (sebab) : The ice cream is very tasty.

Effect (akibat) : I will have another helping.


H. Contoh Soal Untuk Kalimat Cause dan Effect (sebab akibat)

Gunakanlah kata hubung yang sesuai (so atau such) di kalimat bawah ini!

  1. The sun shone_____ brightly that Maria had to put on her sunglasses.
  2. Dean was _____ a powerfull swimmer that he always won the races.
  3. There were ____ few students registered that the class was cancelled.
  4. We had ____wonderful memories of that place that we decide to return.
  5. We had ____good a time at the party that we hated to leave.
  6. The benefit was ____ great a success that the promoters decided to repeat it.
  7. It was ____ a nice day that we decided to go to the beach.
  8. Jane looked ___ sick that the nurse told her to go home.
  9. Those were ___ difficult assignments that we spent two weeks finishing them.
  10. Ray called at ___ an early hour that we weren’t awake yet.
  11. The book looked ___ interesting that he decided to read it.
  12. He worked ____ carefully that it took him a long time to complete the project.
  13. We stayed in the sun for ___ a long time that we became sunburned.
  14. There were ____ many people on the bus that we decided to walk.
  15. The program was ____entertaining that nobody wanted to miss it.


I. Connector (penghubung) dalam Kalimat Cause dan Effect

Seperti dijelaskan sebelumnya, kalimat cause dan effect membutuhkan connector. Pembahasan di atas telah diberikan dua contohnya yaitu, so dan such.

Connector tersebut terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu:

  1. Conjunctions, contohnya sebagai berikut:

because (karena),

 as( karena),

 so (jadi),

for (atas),

 since (karena),

as a result (sebagai hasilnya, akibatnya),

because of (karena),

due to (karena),

owing to (karena),

as a consequence of (sebagai konsekuensinya)


  1. Adverbial Conjunctions, contohnya sebagai berikut:

thus (dengan demikian),

therefore /for that reason (oleh karena itu/ karena alas an itu),

thereby (dengan demikian)

by that means (karena alas an itu)

as a result of that (sebagai akibat dari itu)

hence (karenanya)

consequently (sebagai akibatnya)


Kedua connector tersebut memiliki polanya masing-masing yang diterangkan di bawah ini!



Perhatikan posisi tanda baca titik dan koma pada pola. Berhati-hatilah meletakkannya agar tidak salah makna.


J. Connector (penghubung) dalam Kalimat Cause dan Effect Diikuti Noun (kata benda)

Contoh pengubung yang biasanya diikuti oleh noun adalah due to/owing to /as a result of/as a consequence of. Lalu diikuti oleh noun.

Pola dalam kalimat: Connectors + Cause, + Effect ATAU Effect + Connectors + Cause

Contoh dalam kalimat:

  1. Due to the rain, I can’t play outdoor. (Karena hujan, saya tidak bisa bermain di luar)
  2. Owing to my mom’s support, I can be suceess. (Karena dukungan ibu saya, saya dapat menjadi sukses)
  3. The room was smell good because of the lavender flower. (Ruangan itu mempunyai bau yang bagus karena ada bunga lavender)
  4. Her mom does not give allowance this week as the consequence of his wastefulness. (Ibunya tidak memberikannya uang saku minggu ini sebagai konsekuensi dari keborosannya)


K. Connector (penghubung) dalam Kalimat Cause dan Effect Diikuti Verb atau Kalimat

Adapun contoh-contoh penguhubung nya ialah thus, therefore, thereby, hence, consequently. Lalu diikuti oleh clause (klausa)/sentence (kalimat)

 Pola dalam kalimat: Cause, + Connectors + Effect (clause) ATAU Cause. + Connectors, + Effect (sentence)

 Contoh dalam kalimat:

  1. My sister will cook for me, thus I buy her chocolate. (Adik perempuan saya akan masak untuk saya, oleh karena itu saya membelikannya coklat)
  2. The cat sleep in garage,therefore I cannot park my bike there. (Karena kucing itu tidur di garasi. Oleh karena itu saya tidak bisa memarkir di sana)
  3. My mom has not been home yet. Hence, the food has not been on the table. (Ibu saya belum di rumah. Karenany, makanan belum ada di atas meja)
  4. Last night I stayed up all night. Consequently, I look pale today. (Semalam saya bergadang. Akibantnya, saya terlihat pucat hari ini)


L. Connector (penghubung) dalam Kalimat Cause dan Effect Diikuti Kalimat

Contoh-contoh penguhubung nya ialah:

Because, as, so, for, since, dan as a result. Lalu diikuti oleh kalimat.

Pola: Connector + Cause, Effect ATAU Effect, + Connectors + Cause

  1. Because tomorrow my brother will graduate, we are going to buy flowers. (Karena besok saudara laki-laki saya akan lulus, kami akan membelikannya bunga)
  2. As he watches the movie, we have to keep silence. (Karena dia menonton film, dia harus diam)
  3. We do not eat again, since we have eaten much last afternoon. (Kami tidak makan lagi, karena kami telah makan banyak tadi siang)
  4. He will stay at home tonight, as a result his parents asked him to. (Dia akan tinggal di rumah nanti malam, sebagai akibat orang tuanya memintanya demikian)


M. Contoh Kalimat Cause dan Effect dengan Connector Diikuti Noun (kata benda)

Contoh dalam kalimat:

  1. Due to carrot is good for the health of eyes, I consume it regularly. (Karena wortel baik bagi kesekatan mata, saya mengonsumsi nya setiap hari)
  2. Owing to the book is expensive, we change our plan to buy pens only. (Karena bukunya mahal, kami mengganti rencana untuk membeli pulpen-pulpen saja)
  3. As a result of her kindness, I like to be her friend sincerely. (Akibat kebaikannya, saya suka berteman denggannya secara tulus)
  4. As a consequence of his loyalty, The Quenn Elizabeth places him to higher position. (Sebagai konsekuensi dari kesetiannya, Ratu Elizabeth menempatkannya ke jabatan yang lebih tinggi)
  5. Due to the celebration of Independence Day of Indonesia, all the students are obliged to wear traditional costume tomorrow. (Karena perayaan Hari Kemerdekann Indonesia, semua siswa diwajibkan untuk memakai pakaian tradisional besok)
  6. Due to the winter season, we will not go to your house. (Karena musim dingin, kami tidak akan ke rumah kamu)
  7. Owing to her outstanding performance, she was selected to be the winner in last singing competition. (Karena kemampuannya yang luar biasa, dia terpilih menjadi pemenang dalam kompetisi menyanyi lalu)
  8. He has been a manager due to his willingness. (Dia telah menjadi manajer karena kemauannya)
  9. Tomorrow we are making pizza in my house owing to the holiday. (Besok kami akan membuat pizza di rumah saya karena libur)
  10. Now he is in the hospital as the result of the car accident. (Sekarang dia di rumah sakit akibat kecelakann mobil)
  11. The man is fired by from the company as a consequence of his arrogance. (Lelaki itu dipecat dari perusahannya sebagai konsekuensi dari keangkuhannya)
  12. When I get there, the room is dark owing to the breakout. (Ketika saya sampai di sana, ruangan gelap karena mati listrik)
  13. The book store has not been opened yet due to the policy of the government. (Toko buku itu belum dibuka karena kebijakan pemerintah)
  14. You are not allowed to come in as the consequence of your age. (Kamu tidak dizinkan untuk masuk ke dalam karena umur kamu)
  15. We have to grab that famous product as soon as possible owing to the limitation. (Kita harus mendapatkan produk yang terkenal itu segera mungkin karena keterbatasan)

Contoh pengubung yang biasanya diikuti oleh noun ialah due to/owing to /as a result of/as a consequence of. Lalu diikuti oleh noun.

Pola dalam kalimat:

Connectors + Cause, + Effect

Effect + Connectors + Cause

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